Province releases update on spring thaw conditions

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    Submitted by the Province of Manitoba

    With the annual spring run-off nearly complete in southern basins, the risk of a major spring high water event remains very low in Manitoba, Infrastructure Minister Ron Schuler announced on March 30.

    “Our outlook remains similar to the report we released in February with the risk for any high water activity remaining low this spring,” said Schuler. “Manitoba’s Hydrologic Forecast Centre will continue to monitor watershed conditions across the province and our government is prepared to respond to any potential hydrologic events to ensure the safety of all Manitobans.”

    Winter precipitation levels continued to track below normal since November 2020 in central and southern Manitoba basins. Precipitation in northern Manitoba basins have been normal to below normal since November 2020. Long-term weather projections indicate a higher chance for near normal to below-normal precipitation for April and May.

    With daily temperature records being above freezing for the last half of March, most snow in the southern and central Manitoba basins has melted and spring run-off is well underway. Spring run-off has not yet started in northern Manitoba basins including the Saskatchewan and Churchill rivers. A low to moderate risk for high water activity remains a possibility within these basins.

    The Red River has reached peak levels within the Red River Valley from Emerson up to and including the city of Winnipeg and is well within the riverbank. Due to low levels of precipitation this winter, flows on the Assiniboine River are expected to also be very low and well within the riverbank.

    For more information on Manitoba’s Hydrologic Forecast Centre, including up-to-date information on lake levels and river flows, visit