Remember road safety this Easter long weekend

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    Submitted by Manitoba Public Insurance

    With expected higher than normal traffic volumes this Easter long weekend, Manitoba Public Insurance is putting out a call of action to drivers to place additional focus on road safety.

    On average over the Easter long weekend, one person is killed on a Manitoba public roadway over the three-day holiday, while another 67 people are injured in collisions.

    Safety Tips which could save a life:

    • Don’t drive impaired. Both drugs and alcohol can affect a person’s ability to drive. On average, 25 people in Manitoba are killed yearly due to impaired driving.
    • Buckle up! A person is nearly 50 times more likely to be killed and four times more likely to be seriously injured when not wearing a seatbelt.
    • Don’t text and drive. On average, 28 people are killed yearly in Manitoba in a distracted driving collision
    • Speed kills.  On average, 20 people are killed yearly in Manitoba in a speed-related collision