Devlin running for mayor in East St. Paul

Recreation is important for incumbent councillor

Carla Devlin, who is an East St. Paul resident, runs Carrington Property Developments. Devlin is currently undertaking an apartment development along Hoddinott Road in the RM of East St. Paul. (Brook Jones/St. Paul Press & Springfield Times)


Carla Devlin has a passion for her community and the councillor who has represented Ward 1 for the past four years is running for Mayor of East St. Paul in the October election.

“My family has lived in East St Paul for 16 years,” Devlin said.

“My four years on council were a great learning experience, and I want to continue to work for the betterment of the municipality. I believe I have strong leadership skills, integrity, and the experience necessary to be a very effective Mayor.”

Devlin said as a long-time resident of the RM she shares the same values as her neighbors, she knows progress is inevitable but also appreciates the rural landscape that draws people to East St. Paul. 

As both a business owner and councillor, Devlin knows that teamwork is essential to moving a company or a municipality forward. 

“I am a strategic planner and critical thinker who believes in working collaboratively with all stakeholders to build a better community for all,” Devlin said. 

“I have a knowledge of planning, and that is beneficial to the municipality because I’ll ensure that planning is done in a sensible way, and I’ll make sure that developments are sustainable”

Devlin said she’s proud of the work of the previous council but believes there is more to do. 

Upgrading the RM’s wastewater treatment plant is a top priority for Devlin. The original plant was built in 1979 and has had five expansions. A second plant that runs parallel with the original one was built in 2008, and both are now almost at full capacity. 

Recreation and programming for people of all ages are important, and Devlin said she’d continue improving pond management in East St. Paul. 

“I have developed a good network over the years, and I know the importance of teamwork and providing recognition where it’s due,” Devlin said.

“I’m open-minded and believe that any good leader has to be a good listener. As a business owner, I understand the value of a dollar, and creating and staying within budget is my day-to-day work.